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  • Monday - Friday: 9:00 am-4:30 pm
  • Saturdays: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
  • Sundays and Holidays: Noon-4:30 pm
  • Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas

Museum Classroom
Museum Hours
  • Monday - Friday: 9:00 am-4:30 pm
  • Saturdays: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
  • Sundays and Holidays: Noon-4:30 pm
  • Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas


Throughout 2018, the Museum will commemorate 40 years of Florida’s Capitol Complex. In 1978, the vision for the Capitol included both a monument to the state’s history and a soaring new tower to represent the modern and progressive Florida of the present and future.

As we explored the architectural, artistic, and legislative decisions that led to this new landscape for Florida’s capitol city, we invited fifth graders from across Florida to reflect with us.

The project was open to all school districts, private schools, and charter schools. Participating schools sent their top 3 choices. This exhibit showcases the creativity and talents of these fifth grade students.

Each work displays the artist’s response to the question:
What do you think Florida’s Capitol will look like in 2058?

Student Artwork

First Christian Academy - Alachua

M. Clark
Future Cap Vis 2058

E. C. Hoenisch
Our Growing Future

M. Price
Future Capitol Vision 2058

St. Mark Catholic School - Broward

L. Gomez
Florida’s Capitol Building 2058

J. Lyons
Past and Future: Florida’s Capitol

W. Ochoa
Welcome to the Future Capitol Building of the State of Florida

Grove Elementary - Clay

F. Bernardo
No Title

J. Grace
No Title

A. Minhaj
No Title

Middleburg Elementary - Clay

G. Brown
Capitol 2058

L. Cain
Future Capitol

Academy Prep Center of Tampa - Hillsborough

M. Clark-Simpson
Florida’s Best

A. Cruz
Florida’s New Capitol Building

M. Luva
In 40 Years . . .

Avant Garde Academy of Westchase - Hillsborough

H. Bromberg
Capitol Vision

E. Driver
Capitol Vision 2058

S. Sock
Capitol Vision

Brooker Elementary School - Hillsborough

D. Duran
Florida Capitol

L. Gonzalez
Florida Capitol

D. Jennings
Florida Capitol

Face to Face Virtual - Hillsborough

New Capitol

Circle Capitol


Ippolito Elementary - Hillsborough

L. Barbosa
Lindsay’s Vision

K. Green
Kensley’s Capitol

A. Lin
My Modern Capitol

Knights Elementary - Hillsborough

E. Lara
Reverse Capitol

R. Marquez-Cruz
Red Capitol

E. Toole
The Amazing, Incredible State Capitol

Lewis Elementary - Hillsborough

Florida Capitol

E. Carabantes
Florida Capitol

R. Sheridan
Florida Capitol

Prince Private Academy - Hillsborough

E. Johnson
Florida’s Direction

R. Rivera
Tomorrow’s Capitol

S. Sanjorje
Black Capitol

St. Peter Claver Catholic School - Hillsborough

N. Dantes
Looking Into the Future

J. Martinez
My Capitol Vision

L. Ramirez

Real Life Christian Academy - Lake

C. Lasalle
Spaceship Tallahassee

D. Matir
State Building

D. Young
Surf Sail Building

J. Michael Conley Elementary - Leon

J. Flowers
Capitol 2058

W. Jackson
Capitol 2058

H. Yelugoti
Capitol 2058

Kate Sullivan Elementary - Leon

K. Fertil
No Title

No Title

School of Arts and Sciences on Thomasville - Leon

T. Francis
Capitol in 2058

B. Spinnenweber
Capitol in 2058

K. Zurko
The Capitol Building: 2058

Madison Creative Arts Academy - Madison

D. Phillips
Capitol Visions: 2058

L. St. John
Capitol Visions: 2058

E. Thompson
Capitol Visions: 2058

Children’s Christian Schoolhouse - Miami-Dade

C. Dillone
Capitol 2058

N. Castillo
Capitol 2058

M. Trujillo
Capitol 2058

Princeton Christian School - Miami-Dade

I. Diaz
Historic Capitol

J. Gonzalez
Modern Capitol

R. Hawkins
Working Capitol

Thinking Child Christian Academy - Miami-Dade

J. Pedro
The Capitol Sckyscraper

K. Francisco
The Glass House

W. Perez
The Capitol House

Okeechobee Christian Academy - Okeechobee

I. Hebel-Hoover
Back to the Future Capitol Building

R. Nash
Capitol Building’s Future

J. Olalde
Capitol Building in the Future

Downey Christian School - Orange

J. Indruas
Capitol in 2058

E. Reynoso
Capitol in 2058

S. Warren-Marino
Capitol in 2058

Suncoast Christian Academy - Palm Beach

S. Bailey
The Future Capitol of 2058

S. Josius
Tallahassee Capitol

G. Martinez
The Future Capitol

Holy Cross Lutheran Academy - Seminole

K. Flickinger
The New and Improved

R. Owen
The End . . .

M. Shuh
State Capitol Building

Ivy Hawn School of the Arts - Volusia

C. Brockschmidt

M. Delay
Capitol Future

K. Hatfield
Our Future Capitol